1,197 research outputs found

    Ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy : a review

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    Copyright © 2021 Saraiva. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Ultrasound-guided synovial biopsy is a safe, well-tolerated, and effective method to collect good-quality synovial tissue from all types of joints for clinical and research purposes. Although synovial biopsy cannot be used to distinguish between types of inflammatory rheumatic disease, analysis of synovial tissue has led to remarkable advances in the understanding of the pathobiology of rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Synovitis is the hallmark of these diseases; hence, accessing the core of the pathological process, synovial tissue, provides an opportunity to gather information with potential diagnostic and prognostic utility.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gamification with gifts and emotional presence

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    The study wants to see the impact of gamification on emotional presence of a community of inquiry, of teachers and students. A social platform based on elgg will be developed, with gamification elements like virtual currency and gifts. The platform will have tools to support the co-creation of content with the “affinity space” perspective in mind. We will use a mixed-methods approach, gathering data from the analytics of the platform, such posts, messages and logs and from a survey. This last will be based on an already validated instrument for emotional presence, which we will adapt for our context. We hope to use the results for elaborating a set of guidelines to use in future, using gamification for empowering users and enhance emotional presence, avoiding extrinsic rewards.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Non-technological innovation: current issues and perspectives

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    Innovation can be considered to be a complex phenomenon including technical and non-technical aspects. A remarkable increase in the interdisciplinary attention devoted to innovation has been noticed over the recent decades but the formal technological and economic aspects of innovation have received much more attention and have been taken into account in a far greater number of analyses, despite the great importance of the non-technological dimension of innovation. This paper attempts a review on the important subject of nontechnological innovation. The main ideas on the non-technological dimension of innovation research will be highlighted, followed by an attempt to integrate diverse and disparate perspectives on the subject, to present evidence on possible generalizations and to discuss eventual research gaps and opportunities for further studies. The relationship between technological and non-technological innovation is complex and not fully understood. Among several aspects that will be covered in this paper, two specific ones will receive special attention in this brief analysis: the evidence on the impacts of non-technological innovation, and the measurements efforts that have been made concerning this phenomenon

    Gamification badges and ratings: impact in a academic social network

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    The article describes the Impact of using Gamification Elements like Badges, Status Bar and a Rating System on the Interaction, Collaboration, Cooperation and the Presences of the Community of Inquiry Framework, inside an Academic Social Platform. We used a Design Base Research Methodology with Mixed Methods. We started by collecting opinions of users using semistructured interviews. The results from coding, informed on the construction of a gamified prototype, made with Elgg. Then Usability tests were conducted and the data helped refine the subsequent implementation. A Survey was deployed, Observations were made, and we gathered some Analytics. Results are presented congruent to the iterations and discussed. Some indications for the use of Badges and the implementation of Gamification are considered.Laboratório de Educação a Distância e eLearning (LE@D) http://lead.uab.pt/ - Projeto Educação Online e Web Socialinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gamificação de uma plataforma social académica numa universidade de ensino a distância

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    O Vol 2 (1) 2019 é dedicado à problemática das Competências Digitais.O nosso estudo propôs a implementação de Gamificação numa Plataforma Social Académica de uma Universidade Virtual. Gamificação foi definida como o uso de elementos derivados dos jogos em contextos que não são jogos. Adaptando-a ao nosso contexto, quisemos verificar de que forma a sua implementação influenciava a Interação, Colaboração, Cooperação e Aprendizagem Social e ainda as presenças da Comunidade de Investigação, no espaço da Plataforma. Para isso usámos uma Metodologia de Design Based Research numa configuração de Métodos Mistos. Identificámos como foco de análise as formas sociais para a aprendizagem. Começámos por recolher opiniões dos utilizadores, usando entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados, informaram na construção de um protótipo “gamificado” construído com a ferramenta Elgg. Seguidamente efetuaram-se testes de usabilidade, recolhendo dados da performance e das opiniões dos utilizadores e foi efetuada uma implementação gamificada. Foram depois enviados questionários aos utilizadores e recolhidas estatísticas do uso. Os dados foram descritos, analisados e discutidos, segundo uma ordem cronológica. É discutido o impacto da implementação nas dimensões propostas e possibilidades de investigação futuras.The article reports on the implementation of Gamification in a Social Platform of an Open University. Gamification is the use of game elements in non-game context. We adapted the implementation to context, to inspect the impact on the Interaction, Collaboration, Cooperation, Social Learning and on the Community of Inquiry. We used Design Based Research in a Mixed-Methods configuration. We looked at the Social Forms for Learning as a lens for the Elements. We present our study in a chronological order, explaining how each phase leads to the other. We first gathered information from the users of the academic platform via semi-structured interviews. We then designed a prototype with the Elgg engine, containing Gamification Elements. We made usability tests and gathered data from users´ performance and opinions. After we designed a second implementation, this time for students enrolled in different curricular units. This time we deployed a Survey and gathered information about the use of the platform. Lastly, we present our results discussing the impact on the proposed dimensions, and making suggestions for future research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gamificação numa rede social duma universidade virtual : o caso da Rede SOL

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    O nosso projecto de doutoramento propôs a implementação de Gamificação numa Rede Social Académica (SOL) de uma Universidade Virtual. Gamificação é definida como o uso de elementos derivados dos jogos em contextos que não são jogos com o intuito de promover a motivação, participação dos utilizadores em vários tipos de atividades. Fazendo uso de Gamificação e adaptando-a ao nosso contexto, quisemos verificar de que forma a sua implementação influenciava a Interação, Colaboração, Cooperação e Aprendizagem Social no espaço da SOL. Para isso usámos uma Metodologia de Design Based Research numa configuração de Métodos Mistos. O trabalho foi efetuado no enquadramento do paradigma Web 2.0 e olhando para teorias de aprendizagem nomeadamente o Conetivismo e o Modelo da Comunidade de Investigação (CoI). Identificámos como foco de análise as formas sociais para a aprendizagem. Definimos Gamificação como o uso de Elementos derivados dos Jogos em contextos que não são jogos, definição simples mas abrangente em linha com os autores mais citados. Como moldura teórica de suporte ao uso de Gamificação, foram abordadas teorias de aceitação e uso de sistemas de informação, da motivação e de interação homem-máquina. Na nossa revisão da literatura, descrevemos o uso de Gamificação em contexto educacional, tendo por base diferentes tecnologias. Descrevemos ainda outros exemplos em áreas como o Marketing ou a promoção de comportamentos saudáveis. Começámos por recolher opiniões dos utilizadores da SOL, usando entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os resultados, informaram na construção de um protótipo gamificado construído com a ferramenta Elgg. Seguidamente efetuaram-se testes de usabilidade, recolhendo dados da performance e das opiniões dos utilizadores e foi construída uma nova Rede (SOL2). Depois da implementação foram enviados questionários aos utilizadores e recolhidas estatísticas do uso. Os dados foram descritos, analisados e discutidos, segundo uma ordem cronológica. Concluímos que o uso de Gamificação teve um impacto positivo na Interação, Colaboração e Cooperação, Aprendizagem Social e nas presenças identificadas pelo modelo CoI. Espera-se que o projeto possa servir de exemplo para a construção de um Design Instrucional gamificado.Our doctoral project proposed the implementation of Gamification in an Academic Social Network (SOL) in a Virtual University. Gamification is the use of the Elements derived from Games in non-game contexts, to promote the interaction, engagement and resilience of users, in several types of activities. We wanted to verify the way Gamification influences the Interaction, collaboration and cooperation, Social interaction and Social Learning, inside SOL. We used a Mixed-Methods approach and a Design Based Research methodology. We supported our project within the Web 2.0 paradigm, taking into account theories like Connectivism and the Community of Inquiry Framework (CoI). Narrowing the focus of analysis we used the Social Forms for Learning: Sets Nets and Groups. We defined the term Gamification opting for a simple definition, in line with most preeminent authors, although the term is still being discussed. Supporting the use of Gamification, we discussed theories of use and acceptance of technology, motivation and Human Computer Interaction. We show examples where Gamification is already being used in Education from small courses to postgraduate studies, using diverse technologies and some examples in other areas like Marketing or promotion of healthy behaviours. We started by collecting opinions of users of the Social Network, using semistructured interviews. The results from coding, informed on the construction of a gamified prototype, made with Elgg. Then Usability tests were conducted and the data helped refine the subsequent implementation. A questionnaire was deployed and all data from the different phases were gathered, arranged, presented and discussed. We then answered our questions. We saw that the implemention have had positive impact on the interaction, collaboration and cooperation, social presence and social learning, and on the three presences of CoI. Gamification as a research field is still maturing but we showed that it can be used for Elearning in Higher Education to promote interaction and help the support the Education process. We propose that the work will help on the construction of an Instructional Gamification Design

    Frameworks de gamificação enquadrados numa visão sistémica: uma revisão

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    O presente artigo faz uma revisão focada sobre frameworks de Gamificação que podem ser enquadradas numa visão sistémica, no âmbito dos sistemas de informação. Gamificação é o uso de elementos derivados dos jogos em contextos que não são jogos. Nesse sentido, foi proposta uma terminologia que possa ser usada em várias implementações e cenários. É discutida a forma como a terminologia proposta está alinhada com os frameworks dos artigos revistos e a pertinência de usar uma visão sistémica única para futuras intervenções de Gamificação.This article is a review focused on Gamification frameworks that can be framed in a systemic approach, within the scope of information systems. Gamification is the use of game-derived elements in non game contexts. In this sense, a terminology that can be used in various implementations and scenarios is proposed. It discusses how the proposed terminology is aligned with the frameworks of the reviewed articles and the relevance of using a unique systemic approach for future Gamification interventionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio